NaNoWriMo Countdown!! – 9 More Days!!

Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month
Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month

What to write about…

They say to write about what you know. Since my favorite genres are Science Fiction and Fantasy, that is what I usually choose to write. Really, the choice is up to you. Just make sure that you will have enough material to complete 10K words. At least with the fiction genres you can always add a new character or come up with a new crisis to continue the story line.

Because there will come a time when you get the dreaded writer’s block. The excitement of starting a new story will fade and you will be faced with the reality that you only have plot enough for 7,000 – 8,000 words. Or you will find yourself in a story hole big enough to hide an elephant in and there is no ignoring it! Fortunately the forums will always have good suggestions, and the pep talks (emails) will help you get through your rough points. For me it always happens in the middle, around 4K – 7K words. Usually after 7K I get re-energized at being so close to winning.

I always try to write a story that I would want to read. Although I have not taken the opportunity to work on any of my manuscripts after NaNoWriMo is over, there is always that potential.

So what type of story are you going to write?

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