6 Good Habits For NaNoWriMo Success
- Set a daily goal! I keep a spreadsheet that adjusts my daily goal based on my progress.
- Try and set a goal buffer. Emergencies always come up, but if you are ahead on your word count it won’t be as stressful.
- Set aside time, seriously you will never have enough time.
- Find a way to take your writing with you! I write at the hair dressers, in the car when I am waiting to pick someone one up, and after dinner at Thanksgiving while everyone else is in a Turkey coma.
- Try and meet other NaNoWriMos! Even if by lurking on the forums online. Being around such an amazing group of people is energizing!
- Don’t be intimidated by the amazing group of people you meet! There are some seriously talented people out there, but don’t forget you are awesome too!
Ad victoriam!